Who We Are
The Rio Grande Valley Down Syndrome Asscoation serves families in South Texas, including McAllen, Mission, Pharr, Edinburg, San Juan, Harlingen, and the surrounding areas. We provide support, education and advocacy for individuals with Down syndrome, their families and communities.


The RGVDSA has activities for all ages. We have parent support groups, fun outings and education events. Please email info@rgvdsa.org or call 956-314-0821 for more information.
We're All in!
We’re All In! is offered in cooperation with Driscoll HealthPlan and the Rio Grande Valley Down Syndrome Association. Through fun class presentations led by the RGV Vipers entertainment teams (Venom Hype Squad and Snake Charmers) and the Vipers mascots, students learn about different disabilities and participate in activities to encourage inclusion, acceptance and kindness.
If your elementary classroom or school would be interested in a disability awareness presentation and visit from the Vipers, reach out to deborah@rgvdsa.org OR contact rick@rgvipers.com.
Thank you for helping the RGV grow as an inclusive community, where everyone belongs. We’re All In!